PoliCTF 17 - Pasticciotto
by Giulio "peperunas" De Pasquale
We found this executable and we think it must have something in common with the baddies’ infrastructure. We would be glad to understand what
they are hiding from us…
Did you know that…the challenge is open source?
You can find all the mess in… HERE!
What does the server say?
When the connection to the server is instantiated, the server sends the opcode key used by the remote Pasticciotto VM. The next step is to send some valid bytecode to be executed remotely. But… what?
To the client and beyond!
The client provided to the partecipants is just the Pasticciotto VM running the following pastembly (cool name) code:
def datastrlen:
# r0 = offset of str in data
# retval (r0) = strlen
push r1
push r2
push r3
movr s2, r0
movi s1, 0
lodr s0, s2
cmpb s0, 0
jpei exit
movi s2, 0
addi s1, 1
addr s2, s1
lodr s0, s2
cmpb s0, 0
jpni loop
movr r0, s1
poop r3
poop r2
poop r1
def round: # round(uint16_t text[2])
# r0 = offset of text[0] in data
# r1 = offset of text[1] in data
# r2 = text[0]
# r3 = text[1]
# retval = void
push r1
push r2
push r3
lodr r2, r0 # text[0]
lodr r3, r1 # text[1]
movi s0, 0 # i
movi s1, 0 # sum
push s0 # saving i
addi s1, 0x626f # sum += delta
push s1 # saving sum
# s0 and s1 will be used as tmps
# calc v0
movr s0, r3
shli s0, 4
addi s0, 0x7065 # s0 = (text[1] << 4) + k0
movr s1, r3
poop s3 # restoring sum in s3
#addr s1, s3 # s1 = text[1] + sum
push s3 # saving sum again
xorr s0, s1 # s0 = ((text[1] << 4) + k0) ^ (text[1] + sum)
push s0
movr s0, r3
shri s0, 5
addi s0, 0x7065 # s0 = (text[1] >> 5) + k1
poop s1
xorr s0, s1 # s0 = ((text[1] << 4) + k0) ^ (text[1] + sum) ^ ((text[1] >> 5) + k1)
addr r2, s0 # r2 += s0
# calc v1
movr s0, r2
shli s0, 4
addi s0, 0x7275 # s0 = (text[0] << 4) + k2
movr s1, r2
poop s3 # restoring sum in s3
#addr s1, s3 # s1 = text[0] + sum
push s3 # saving sum again
xorr s0, s1 # s0 = ((text[0] << 4) + k2) ^ (text[0] + sum)
push s0
movr s0, r2
shri s0, 5
addi s0, 0x6e73 # s0 = (text[0] >> 5) + k3
poop s1
xorr s0, s1 # s0 = ((text[0] << 4) + k2) ^ (text[0] + sum) ^ ((text[0] >> 5) + k3)
addr r3, s0 # r3 += s0
# end loop
poop s1 # restoring sum
poop s0 # restoring i
addi s0, 1
cmpb s0, 127 # while (i < 128)
jpbi loop
# saving the values
strr r0, r2
strr r1, r3
poop r3
poop r2
poop r1
def main:
movi r0, 0xadde
movi r1, 0x0bb0
stri 0, r0
stri 2, r1
movi r0, 0x0bb0
movi r1, 0xcefa
stri 0x4, r0
stri 0x6, r1
movi r0, 0
call datastrlen
movr r2, r0
movi s0, 0
push s0
movi r0, 0
movi r1, 2
addr r0, s0
addr r1, s0
call round
poop s0
addi s0, 4
cmpr s0, r2
jpbi encrypt
lodi r0, 0
lodi r1, 2
lodi r2, 4
lodi r3, 6
Once the VM bytecode is reversed, the partecipant has the knowledge to decrypt the server’s VM data section using the same algorithm shown above.
This has to be assembled through a program or a script (check out assembler.py
) due to the opcodes key changing each time the partecipant connected to the server.
Here is an example of a working decryption algorithm:
def datastrlen:
# r0 = offset of str in data
# retval (r0) = strlen
push r1
push r2
push r3
movr s2, r0
movi s1, 0
lodr s0, s2
cmpb s0, 0
jpei exit
movi s2, 0
addi s1, 1
addr s2, s1
lodr s0, s2
cmpb s0, 0
jpni loop
movr r0, s1
poop r3
poop r2
poop r1
def round: # round(uint16_t text[2])
# r0 = offset of text[0] in data
# r1 = offset of text[1] in data
# r2 = text[0]
# r3 = text[1]
# retval = void
push r1
push r2
push r3
lodr r2, r0 # text[0]
lodr r3, r1 # text[1]
movi s0, 0 # i
movi s1, 0 # sum
push s0 # saving i
# s0 and s1 will be used as tmps
# calc v1
movr s0, r2
shli s0, 4
addi s0, 0x7275 # s0 = (text[0] << 4) + k2
movr s1, r2
xorr s0, s1 # s0 = ((text[0] << 4) + k2) ^ text[0]
push s0
movr s0, r2
shri s0, 5
addi s0, 0x6e73 # s0 = (text[0] >> 5) + k3
poop s1
xorr s0, s1 # s0 = ((text[0] << 4) + k2) ^ text[0] ^ ((text[0] >> 5) + k3)
subr r3, s0 # r3 -= s0
# calc v0
movr s0, r3
shli s0, 4
addi s0, 0x7065 # s0 = (text[1] << 4) + k0
movr s1, r3
xorr s0, s1 # s0 = ((text[1] << 4) + k0) ^ text[1]
push s0
movr s0, r3
shri s0, 5
addi s0, 0x7065 # s0 = (text[1] >> 5) + k1
poop s1
xorr s0, s1 # s0 = ((text[1] << 4) + k0) ^ text[1] ^ ((text[1] >> 5) + k1)
subr r2, s0 # r2 -= s0
# end loop
poop s0 # restoring i
addi s0, 1
cmpb s0, 127 # while (i < 128)
jpbi loop
# saving the values
strr r0, r2
strr r1, r3
poop r3
poop r2
poop r1
def main:
movi r0, 0
call datastrlen
movr r2, r0
movi s0, 0
push s0
movi r0, 0
movi r1, 2
addr r0, s0
addr r1, s0
call round
poop s0
addi s0, 4
cmpr s0, r2
jpbi decrypt
Finally, this is a sample python wrapper that can be used to solve the challenge:
from pwn import *
import subprocess
key_re = re.compile(".*\"(.*)\".*")
r = remote("pasticciotto.chall.polictf.it", 31337)
first = r.recv()
key = key_re.match(first).group(1)
print("Using key: {}".format(key))
subprocess.check_call(["python3", "../../assembler/assembler.py", "{}".format(key), "../asms/decrypt.pstc", "./out.pasticciotto"])
with open("./out.pasticciotto") as f:
data = f.read()
Challenge output
$ python ./exploit-test.py
[+] Opening connection to pasticciotto.chall.polictf.it on port 31337: Done
Using key: 9XM6SvFPvN8qiLi
movi : 0x0->0x39
movr : 0x1->0x20
lodi : 0x2->0x9a
lodr : 0x3->0x1d
stri : 0x4->0xa9
strr : 0x5->0xd2
addi : 0x6->0x38
addr : 0x7->0x8f
subi : 0x8->0xd
subr : 0x9->0x64
andb : 0xa->0xa6
andw : 0xb->0x22
andr : 0xc->0x97
yorb : 0xd->0xda
yorw : 0xe->0x51
yorr : 0xf->0x48
xorb : 0x10->0x12
xorw : 0x11->0x70
xorr : 0x12->0xb6
notr : 0x13->0x37
muli : 0x14->0xa5
mulr : 0x15->0xc
divi : 0x16->0xd5
divr : 0x17->0xf4
shli : 0x18->0xdc
shlr : 0x19->0xc3
shri : 0x1a->0x6e
shrr : 0x1b->0xb5
push : 0x1c->0xe1
poop : 0x1d->0x88
cmpb : 0x1e->0x2c
cmpw : 0x1f->0x3a
cmpr : 0x20->0x35
jmpi : 0x21->0xbb
jmpr : 0x22->0x52
jpai : 0x23->0x4f
jpar : 0x24->0x90
jpbi : 0x25->0xd4
jpbr : 0x26->0x11
jpei : 0x27->0xe5
jper : 0x28->0x45
jpni : 0x29->0xbc
jpnr : 0x2a->0xbe
call : 0x2b->0x32
retn : 0x2c->0x7e
shit : 0x2d->0x6d
nope : 0x2e->0x6a
grmn : 0x2f->0xe6
0x0: movi r0, 0
0x4: call datastrlen
0x7: movr r2, r0
0x9: movi s0, 0
0xd: push s0
0xf: movi r0, 0
0x13: movi r1, 2
0x17: addr r0, s0
0x19: addr r1, s0
0x1b: call round
0x1e: poop s0
0x20: addi s0, 4
0x24: cmpr s0, r2
0x26: jpbi decrypt
0x29: shit
0x2a: push r1
0x2c: push r2
0x2e: push r3
0x30: lodr r2, r0
0x32: lodr r3, r1
0x34: movi s0, 0
0x38: movi s1, 0
0x3c: push s0
0x3e: movr s0, r2
0x40: shli s0, 4
0x44: addi s0, 0x7275
0x48: movr s1, r2
0x4a: xorr s0, s1
0x4c: push s0
0x4e: movr s0, r2
0x50: shri s0, 5
0x54: addi s0, 0x6e73
0x58: poop s1
0x5a: xorr s0, s1
0x5c: subr r3, s0
0x5e: movr s0, r3
0x60: shli s0, 4
0x64: addi s0, 0x7065
0x68: movr s1, r3
0x6a: xorr s0, s1
0x6c: push s0
0x6e: movr s0, r3
0x70: shri s0, 5
0x74: addi s0, 0x7065
0x78: poop s1
0x7a: xorr s0, s1
0x7c: subr r2, s0
0x7e: poop s0
0x80: addi s0, 1
0x84: cmpb s0, 127
0x87: jpbi loop
0x8a: strr r0, r2
0x8c: strr r1, r3
0x8e: poop r3
0x90: poop r2
0x92: poop r1
0x94: retn
FUNCTION datastrlen
0x95: push r1
0x97: push r2
0x99: push r3
0x9b: movr s2, r0
0x9d: movi s1, 0
0xa1: lodr s0, s2
0xa3: cmpb s0, 0
0xa6: jpei exit
0xa9: movi s2, 0
0xad: addi s1, 1
0xb1: addr s2, s1
0xb3: lodr s0, s2
0xb5: cmpb s0, 0
0xb8: jpni loop
0xbb: movr r0, s1
0xbd: poop r3
0xbf: poop r2
0xc1: poop r1
0xc3: retn
[main: size 0x2a, offset 0x0, round: size 0x6b, offset 0x2a, datastrlen: size 0x2f, offset 0x95]
Go ahead then!
The flag is: flag{m4nc14t1b1_stu_bellu_p4sticci0tt0}
[*] Closed connection to pasticciotto.chall.polictf.it port 31337